All things happening at All Church.
Come use our lobby space this week! Free wifi and coffee. Monday-Thursday 9-5.
CONNECTION LUNCH: September 15. 12:30-2:30 PM.
Whether you're new to All Church or have been around for awhile, come join us for a meal in one of our member's homes! Our goal is to create a culture of hospitality at All Church. Sharing a meal is a great way to connect authentically and learn more by experiencing the love of Christ. You will have the opportunity to meet those who call All Church their home, as well as hear about the different opportunities there are to get involved. Register here.
FOUNDRY RETREAT: September 20.
Men of All Church, join us for our upcoming Foundry Retreat on Sept 20–21. We will spend a night at Camp Chautauqua and engage in conversation around the question, “What were men made for?" Come on up after work on Friday and we'll have you home before dinner on Saturday! Sign up here.
PAIN TO PURPOSE COURSE: Begins September 26.
The painful things we go through can leave us feeling stuck, frustrated, triggered, resentful, anxious, and depressed. But God wants to breathe life and meaning back into our stories. Whether you’re walking through a painful season yourself or you want a resource to give to someone else who needs it, this study will bring insight to meet your needs. God wants to take you through this valley and bring you to the other side with a renewed sense of strength. This 6-week course will help you discover how to partner with Him to take back your story. More information and registration here.
STARTING POINT: October 06. 6:00-7:30 PM.
Are you interested in becoming a member of All Church? Join us at the church building for a fun and informative evening where you will have the opportunity to meet the pastors and elders, as well as learn the specific beliefs of All Church, the expectations that we have for our members, and discuss the benefit and pastoral care provided for those who are members of All Church. This is a space for you to ask questions about the church as you decide if you would like to commit to All Church as your home. Attending the class is not a commitment to membership. Register here.
If you are going through a separation or divorce, we have support groups for both adults and children in grades 1 through 6 meeting at All Church starting on Thursday, August 29 from 6:15 PM - 8:15 PM. In addition, we have childcare available for younger children. For more information or to register for DivorceCare, contact Sarah Williamson ( For more information or to register for DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K), contact Sue Raymore (
Before moving forward with baptism here at All Church, we ask that you have a conversation with one of our pastors. If you are interested in being baptized, please fill out this form and one of them will follow up to set up a time to meet with you!
Thursday Morning Prayer Meetings
Join us every Thursday morning at 6:30am to pray for 45 minutes for All Church, the city, the nation, the world, and the Kingdom of God. Come join us, the coffee is hot!