Day 21: You Are Still Standing
“Indeed, everything is for your benefit, so that grace, extended through more and more people, may cause thanksgiving to increase to...
Day 21: You Are Still Standing
Day 19: God’s Heart of Generosity
Day 18: Remember Who the Real Enemy Is
Day 17: A Solid Foundation in an Ever-Changing World
Day 16: What a Mess I Had Made
Day 15: A Culture that Honors
Day 14: Gifts and Seeds
Day 13: Open Doors
Day 12: Our Relationship Roadmap
Day 11: How Hungry Are You?
Day 10: Life Changes, So Should You
Day 9: Keep In Step With The Spirit
Day 8: All Hands on Deck
Day 7: Go and Make Disciples
Day 6: An Evangelistic Heart for Our City
Day 5: Love and Unity Inside of the Church
Day 4: But God!
Day 3: A Deep Grief Over Sin
Day 2: Choosing Hunger
Day 1: You CAN fast!